Monday 28 November 2011

Oh Darling, I Wish You Were Here

It’s getting harder and harder to decide what I want. After this weekend, somethings seem a lot clearer and other things are more confusing than ever. What else is new?

Wherever you’re going, take me with you. I want to run away and I’m not looking back. I don’t want forever. I want something though. While I’m waiting I’ll sit here in the twilight and forget the world.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Back To School

So I go back to school tomorrow, and I’m sitting in my room at home thinking how in just over one month I’ll be done with exams and done with second year. Then there’s only one year left and I’ll have a degree (fingers crossed). What the hell. I’m not ready to be a graduate. I have seriously no idea where the last two years went and final year is only going to go faster again. I don’t know what to do. I could apply for a masters, I could look for a job. Do I even want to be a psychologist? I have no idea anymore. Everything is so confusing. And as ridiculous and immature as it sounds, I’m not ready to leave my friends again. Everything is changing so quickly. I feel like everyone’s growing up around me but I’m not ready to be following a career path yet. There’s so much I still want to do. I want to travel more, see more things and more places. I want to have more nights like tonight, walking around the town at night when everything smells like summer and I laugh until it hurts but can’t remember why later. It’s not that I still want to be a child, I just don’t want to get stuck in a rut. What if I pick the wrong rut? What if I’m heading down the completely wrong path for me? All the decisions I’ve had to make before this seemed much easier, less final. I’m just panicking. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I just don’t want to get older and forget how it feels to just sit outside on a warm night and do nothing, just because I could.

Friday 21 January 2011


"You always ask if I'm okay, it's not the same as being happy"

I love Frank Turner

Monday 7 September 2009

Spotify ftw.

So I finally got that Spotify all the kids are talking about.

Hello awesome.

Monday 31 August 2009

Jack's Mannequin tomorrow.
I am beyond excited.

And why can't I seem to finish this book?

Friday 28 August 2009

It's In Those Fleeting Moments.

I woke up at 3 in the morning and wrote this. I don't think it's very good but I'm in a writing funk right now. I need some inspiration.


It’s in those fleeting moments; when he takes your hand in his, when he brushes the hair from your eyes, when he holds you in his arms. Those moments when you feel completely safe. Those moments that take your breath away. Those moments when the rest of the world disappears and your whole being is entirely captivated by the magic. When you wish that it could last forever, but it’s gone before you even realise it’s happening. Those are the moments that make life worth living. Those are the moments of falling in love.

Thursday 27 August 2009

She was something new.

She was something new. Something different. A glimmer of excitement that lit up the otherwise dull world. She was sweetness and beauty and hope. Hope that maybe life could be something else. Something better. She inspired him to believe. To think. To live. And then she was gone. Like a whisper on the wind. Lost to his memories and his dreams.